Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Sweet It Is- by Alice J. Wisler, published by Bethany House

"Sometimes life's biggest blessings come in the wrapped packages that you never expected and didn't choose." After her grandfather's death Deena Livingston moves to his cabin in a small mountain community. The cabin will be hers if she stays and teaches cooking to a group of troubled middle school students. Deena is a professional chef and hopes to open her own cake baking business. The challenges and rewards that await her as she remakes her life and learns the power of peace and forgiveness warmed my heart. It made me question how my own faith has grown and changed over time.

Alice J. Wisler creates memorable, well developed characters. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who's looking for an uplifting read or simply light romance. At the end of the book is a page with "questions for conversation." This was a pleasant surprise and I truly enjoyed being nudged along in my quest to journal about some of the lessons touched on in the book. There are also several recipes included. My favorite is a recipe for peanut soup. This book is a light read, but it has many layers and I have a feeling it will stay with me a lot longer than most books, simply because of the way it was crafted.

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